The Enlightenment Through Adventures project, part of the program of Plovdiv – European Capital of Culture, was focused on the idea of the presence of nature in our everyday life – not only as a given, but as an opportunity. We planned and organized a meeting-forum between the audience of the small town of Belovo and travelers and experts in the field, selected by us, which will enable the various local communities to become aware of the ways in which wildlife can be conserved, and at the same time developed from a business point of view.

The presenters who took take part in the project presented through their experience the various opportunities for developing economic activity within the mountain regions, and each of them, through their experience in a different field, showed the potential of a mountain town.

The forum was not only educational, but also entertaining, as a large part of our
presenters mastered their craft traveling the world and shared interesting examples from their travels. It is through travel that one encounters new and diverse cultures and thus expands their own worldview. In this way the project became accessible not only to people with an entrepreneurial interest, but also to the groups that show an enthusiastic attraction to nature.